Next Restock is Saturday October 26th! Please scroll down to subscribe to our email newsletter to be notified the minute we restock! Thank you for your patience and support :)

About Us

Take a quick walk down any skincare aisle and it wont take long for you to notice a pattern. Products with pretty labels, but not so pretty ingredient lists. Let's face it, modern products are filled with "stuff", for lack of a better term. Most feature a laundry list of synthetic ingredients. Most often then not, these ingredients sound like an entirely separate language in themselves. Who or what made these ingredients? When were these ingredients made? Where did these ingredients come from? Hold on a second, what even are these ingredients!? Most often then not, these ingredients do not trace back to beautiful lush land or being handmade in small batches. 
Hi, I am Andrea! This is the co-owner, Mike. Together we are on a mission to do things differently. A mission to inspire people to take a step back and rethink what they are applying to their skin. We want to get people closely connected with the source of where their beauty products actually come from. Transparency is what's lacking in the modern skincare industry, and we are here to change that. 

Our skincare is traditionally inspired by our ancestors, rooted in history and culture. When it comes to the way we choose to nourish our bodies, we found our ancestors had it right. Simple and wholesome ingredients that work. Skincare should be simple. Not a bad science experiment. 

Our ultimate goal is
 to offer an option for high-quality and non-toxic skincare by diligently sourcing quality ingredients for you, artfully crafting them in small batches, and having them delivered to your doorstep. From farm, to us, to you. 
Did you know most people apply over 90+ synthetic ingredients and lab-made chemicals to their skin daily without even thinking twice? At this exact moment, only 15 cosmetic skincare ingredients are banned in the USA by the FDA? Whereas in Europe around 1,300 ingredients are banned. A bit better, but still far away from the regulations that need to be in place to govern this multi-billion dollar industry
Together, we've created a clean skincare line that takes the confusion out of it all. We combine the power of animal-based nutrition, ancestral wisdom, and the very best of what the plant world has to offer into a simple yet effective recipe. The result is long-lasting and nontoxic nourishment. Combined by hand and made fresh to order. Best of all, you can actually understand all of the natural ingredients we use!
Our Promise: At Fancy Farm, your health and wellbeing is our utmost priority. No deceiving ingredients that sound like a different language. No preservatives which allow a product to sit on a shelf for years before being sold. No lab-made synthetic ingredients acting as a loophole for the modern skincare industry (like the word "fragrance") which could really mean up to thousands of different chemicals
Only wholesome ingredients directly from the source, labels you can understand, and century-old ingredients that work
Fancy Farm is ran entirely by two people! Mike hand makes every cream using a unique process he developed which creates the creamiest tallow-based moisturizers you will ever findI run social media and assist Mike with the handmade process! 

Thank you for supporting our small business and please reach out to us with any questions you may have!
Stay Fancy, Andrea & Mike | Owners, Fancy Farm Skincare